The Adventure Island books are a 10 book Enid Blyton-esque adventure series aimed at 8-14 year olds. The books themselves are visually rich with superb illustrations and vivid storylines like ‘The Curse of the Dragon’. Our brief was to reproduce the vibrancy of the books while also delivering a more interactive experience that would enhance the readers experience and extend the storylines onto the website.
We created a really strong visual framework for the site by utilising as much of the original illustration as possible interspersed with lots of fun quirky elements. Users were immediately drawn into the narrative of the books by being invited to become part of the Special Investigations Team. To do this they had to complete an interactive quiz based on content from the first three books and unique content created for the site including hunting down hidden elements and following clues.
We also worked with Helen to create character blogs for each of the main characters (including the dog!). These were a real hit with the young readers who were really drawn into the world of Adventure Island by being able to converse with their heroes.
Warner Brothers Discovery
Windfall Films
Abacus Media Rights
Warner Brothers Discovery
NBC Universal
Bionic Media
Metway Studio, 55 Canning Street
Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 0EF
T: + 44 (0)7956 579470 T: + 44 (0)7703 451221