Mr Men and Little Miss website - Macbook

Mr Men & Little Miss

Design for global Mr Men and Little Miss website

From their birth in 1971 the Mr. Men and Little Misses have gone from strength to strength. They identify with a multigenerational audience through self expression, colour, simplicity and humour.

When the time came for a redesign the Mr Men and Little Miss team needed an agency to help them plan content, user interface and provide design layouts for every page. Bionic Media won the pitch for the work and set about working closely with the team to tackle the content, architecture and design challenges.

Following an extensive research and development phase, we delivered a suite of screen designs that instantly hit the mark and were constructed by the in-house team in China to a vibrant website front end.

Working closely with the Mr Men team we scoped all the content and worked through several iterations of wireframes before we finalised architecture and layout. Utilising the extensive brand guidelines we were able to draw from a fantastic library of characters but also had the freedom to create our own group scenes and actions from existing artwork, something our designers had lots of fun with and that was the key. Fun. We injected movement, mischief and expression throughout the design. Definitely one of our most enjoyable design projects!

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